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Infidelity & Betrayal Counseling- Wellington, FL
Online & In Person Therapy in Florida for couples who are ready to rebuild trust, work through past hurts, & increase commitment.
Are you suffering from a break in trust in your relationship?
Discovering infidelity can cause a range of strong and complex emotions for both partners. It's important to note that these feelings are part of the response to betrayal. The healing process involves acknowledging these emotions, and navigating in therapy, increasing communication, and mutual commitment to rebuilding the relationship or making informed decisions about the future of the relationship.
The initial revelation of infidelity often triggers a profound sense of shock. Betrayed partners may struggle to comprehend the reality of the situation, feeling as though their world has been suddenly upended.
Betrayal is inherently painful, and hurt is a prevalent and profound emotion. The betrayed partner may experience deep emotional wounds, feeling a sense of emotional pain and anguish.
The discovery of infidelity can provoke intense feelings of anger. Betrayed partners may direct their anger towards the unfaithful partner, themselves, or the circumstances that led to the betrayal.
Betrayed individuals may grapple with feelings of humiliation or shame, especially if the infidelity becomes known to others. The breach of trust can make them feel exposed and vulnerable.
The experience of infidelity can be akin to a loss, triggering a grieving process. Betrayed partners may mourn the loss of the relationship they thought they had and the sense of security that has been shattered.
Discovering infidelity often brings a sense of confusion. Betrayed partners may question the events leading to the betrayal, their own perceptions, and the future of the relationship.
Betrayal can instigate heightened anxiety. Uncertainty about the future, fear of further deception, and concerns about one's own worthiness may contribute to anxious feelings.
The aftermath of infidelity can lead to feelings of sadness and despair. Betrayed partners may grapple with a sense of hopelessness and a diminished sense of self-worth.
The emotional fallout from infidelity can lead to a sense of isolation. Betrayed partners may feel alone in their pain, as sharing the experience with others may be challenging.
Loss of Trust:
Trust is a foundational element of any relationship, and the discovery of infidelity shatters this trust. Betrayed partners may struggle with a profound loss of trust, not only in their partner but also in themselves and the concept of trust itself.
Receiving infidelity counseling is beneficial for several reasons, as it provides a structured and supportive environment to navigate the complexities that arise after the discovery of infidelity. Receiving infidelity counseling is a proactive step toward healing and rebuilding a relationship. While the process can be challenging, many couples find that counseling provides the guidance and support needed to navigate the complexities of infidelity and move towards a healthier and more fulfilling partnership.